- the FVWM Audio module
FvwmAudio is spawned by fvwm, so no command line invoca-
tion will work. From within the .fvwmrc file, FvwmAudio
is spawned as follows:
Module FvwmAudio
or from within an fvwm pop-up menu:
AddToMenu Module-Popup "Modules" Title
+ "Audio" Module FvwmAudio
+ "Auto" Module FvwmAuto 200
+ "Buttons" Module FvwmButtons
+ "Ident" Module FvwmIdent
+ "Banner" Module FvwmBanner
+ "Pager" Module FvwmPager 0 3
The FvwmAudio module communicates with the Fvwm window
manager to bind audio sounds to window manager actions.
Different audio queues may be assigned to any window man-
ager action. FvwmAudio can be used with any independent
audio player, and therefore requires no special audio
library APIs of its own. Simple in its design, it merely
binds the audio filenames to particular actions and forks
off the audio player program with the appropriate filename
when that action occurs.
FvwmAudio can also have builtin support for the rplay
FvwmAudio reads the same .fvwm2rc file as fvwm(1) reads
when it starts up, and looks for certain configuration
*FvwmAudioPlayCmd /usr/bin/X11/demos/auplay
This determines the independent audio player pro-
gram that will actually play the sounds. If the
play command is set to builtin-rplay then the
builtin rplay support will be used. For example:
*FvwmAudioPlayCmd builtin-rplay
*FvwmAudioDir /usr/lib/sounds
Specifies the directory to look for the audio
Specifies that sound events will only be played if
they occur at least 5 seconds after the previous
event. Sounds events that occur during the delay
period are ignored. This option is useful if you
don't want several sounds playing at the same time.
The default delay is 0 which disables the audio
*FvwmAudioRplayHost hostname
Specifies what host the sounds will play on. The
hostname can also be an environment variable such
as $HOSTDISPLAY. This option is only valid with
builtin rplay support.
*FvwmAudioRplayPriority 0
Specifies what priority will be assigned to the
sounds when they are played. This option is only
valid with builtin rplay support.
*FvwmAudioRplayVolume 127
Specifies what volume will be assigned to the
sounds when they are played. This option is only
valid with builtin rplay support.
*FvwmAudio window-manager_action audio_filename
Binds particular window manager actions to sound
*FvwmAudio startup TaDa.au
*FvwmAudio shutdown Elvis_Left.au
*FvwmAudio unknown doh.au
*FvwmAudio add_window drip.au
*FvwmAudio raise_window swoosh.au
*FvwmAudio lower_window swoosh.au
*FvwmAudio focus_change boing.au
*FvwmAudio destroy_window explosion.au
*FvwmAudio iconify ploop.au
*FvwmAudio deiconify ploop.au
*FvwmAudio toggle_paging fwop.au
*FvwmAudio new_page beam_trek.au
*FvwmAudio new_desk beam_trek.au
*FvwmAudio configure_window huh.au
*FvwmAudio window_name beep.au
*FvwmAudio icon_name beep.au
*FvwmAudio res_class beep.au
*FvwmAudio res_name beep.au
*FvwmAudio end_windowlist twang.au
The invocation method was shown in the synopsis section.
No command line invocation is possible. FvwmAudio must be
invoked by the fvwm window manager.
It's REALLY noisy when fvwm starts and restarts.
This module is heavily based on a similar Fvwm module
called FvwmSound by Mark Boyns. FvwmAudio simply takes
Mark's original program and extends it to make it generic
enough to work with any audio player. The concept for
interfacing this module to the Window Manager, is original
work by Robert Nation.
Copyright 1994, Mark Boyns and Mark Scott. No guarantees
or warranties or anything are provided or implied in any
way whatsoever. Use this program at your own risk. Per-
mission to use this program for any purpose is given, as
long as the copyright is kept intact.
Mark Boyns (boyns@sdsu.edu)
Mark Scott (mscott@mcd.mot.com)
Man(1) output converted with