fvwm - F(?) Virtual Window Manager for X11


       fvwm [ options ]


       Fvwm  is  a  window manager for X11. It is a derivative of
       twm, redesigned to minimize memory consumption, provide  a
       3-D  look  to  window frames, and provide a simple virtual
       desktop.  Memory consumption is estimated  at  about  one-
       half  to one-third the memory consumption of twm, due pri-
       marily to a redesign of  twm's  method  of  storing  mouse
       bindings. In addition, many of the configurable options of
       twm have been removed.

       The name "FVWM" used to stand for something, but I  forgot
       what.  (Feeble,  famous, foobar? It doesn't really matter,
       this is an acronym based society anyway.)


       XFree86 provides a virtual screen whose operation  can  be
       confusing when used in conjunction with fvwm. With XFree86
       all windows which appear on the  virtual  screen  actually
       get drawn into video memory (whether or not they appear on
       the physical screen), so the virtual screen size  is  lim-
       ited by available video memory.

       With  fvwm's  virtual desktop, windows which do not appear
       on the screen do not actually get drawn  into  video  RAM.
       The size of the virtual desktop is limited to about 32,000
       by 32,000 pixels, but it is probably impractical to use  a
       virtual desktop more than about 5 times the visible screen
       in each direction.  Note that memory usage is  a  function
       of  the  number  of  windows which exist - the size of the
       desktop makes no difference.

       When becoming familiar with fvwm it  is  recommended  that
       you  disable  XFree86's virtual screen by setting the vir-
       tual screen size to the physical screen  size.  After  you
       become  familiar  with  fvwm  you  may  want  to re-enable
       XFree86's virtual screen.


       Since fvwm is derived from twm code it shares twm's  copy-

       fvwm  is  copyright  1988 by Evans and Sutherland Computer
       Corporation, Salt Lake City, Utah, and 1989  by  the  Mas-
       sachusetts   Institute   of  Technology,  Cambridge,  Mas-
       sachusetts, All rights reserved. It is also copyright 1993
       ware and its documentation for any purpose and without fee
       is  hereby  granted,  provided  that  the  above copyright
       notice appear in all copies and that both  that  copyright
       notice  and  this  permission  notice appear in supporting
       documentation, and that the names of  Evans  &  Sutherland
       and  M.I.T.  not  be used in advertising in publicity per-
       taining to distribution of the software without  specific,
       written prior permission.



       Fvwm  puts  a  decorative border around most windows. This
       border consists of a bar on each  side  and  a  small  "L"
       shaped section on each corner.  There is an additional top
       bar called the title bar which is used to display the name
       of  the  window. In addition, there are up to 10 title-bar
       buttons.  The top, side, and bottom bars are  collectively
       known  as the side-bars.  The corner pieces are called the

       Unless the standard defaults files are modified,  pressing
       mouse button 1 in the title or side-bars will begin a move
       operation on the window. Pressing button 1 in  the  corner
       frame  pieces will begin a resize operation. Pressing but-
       ton 2 anywhere in the border brings up an  extensive  list
       of window operations.

       Up  to  ten title-bar buttons may exist. Their use is com-
       pletely user definable.  The default configuration  has  a
       title-bar button on each side of the title-bar. The one on
       the left is used to bring up a  list  of  window  options,
       regardless  of  which mouse button is used. The one on the
       right is used to iconify the window.  The number of title-
       bar  buttons used depends on which ones have mouse actions
       bound to them. See the section on the  "Mouse"  configura-
       tion parameter below.


       Fvwm provides multiple virtual desktops for users who wish
       to use them. The screen is a viewport onto a desktop which
       one  desktop  for each application, when view applications
       are distinct).  Since each desktop can be larger than  the
       physical  screen, windows which are larger than the screen
       or large groups of related windows can easily be viewed.

       The size of the  virtual  desktops  can  be  specified  at
       start-up.  All virtual desktops must be the same size. The
       total number of distinct desktops need not  be  specified,
       but  is limited to approximately 4 billion total. All win-
       dows on the current desktop can be displayed in a Pager, a
       miniature  view  of the current desktop. Windows which are
       not on the current desktop can be listed, along with their
       geometries, in a window list, accessible as a pop-up menu.

       "Sticky" windows are windows which transcend  the  virtual
       desktop  by  "Sticking to the screen's glass." They always
       stay put on the screen.  This  is  convenient  for  things
       like  clocks and xbiff's, so you only need to run one such
       gadget and it always stays with you.

       Window geometries are specified relative  to  the  current
       viewport. That is:

            xterm -geometry +0+0

       will  always  show up in the upper-left hand corner of the
       visible portion of the screen. It is permissible to  spec-
       ify geometries which place windows on the virtual desktop,
       but off the screen. For example, if the visible screen  is
       1000  by 1000 pixels, and the desktop size is 3x3, and the
       current viewport is at the upper left hand corner  of  the
       desktop, then invoking:

            xterm -geometry +1000+1000

       will  place  the  window  just off of the lower right hand
       corner of the screen. It can be found by moving the  mouse
       to  the  lower right hand corner of the screen and waiting
       for it to scroll into view.  There is currently no way  to
       cause  a  window to map onto a desktop other than the cur-
       rently active desk.

       A geometry specified as something like:

            xterm -geometry -5-5

       will generally place the window's lower right hand  corner
       5  pixels  from the lower right corner of the visible por-
       tion of the screen. Not all  applications  support  window
       geometries with negative offsets.

       Some applications, like xterm and xfontsel, allow the user

            xterm -xrm "*Desk:1"

       will start an xterm on desk number 1. Not all applications
       understand this option, however.


       During  initialization,  fvwm will search for a configura-
       tion file which describes key and button bindings,  and  a
       few  other  things.  The  format  of  these  files will be
       described later. First, fvwm will search for a file  named
       .fvwmrc in the users home directory. Failing that, it will
       look for /usr/lib/X11/fvwm/system.fvwmrc  for  system-wide
       defaults. If that file is not found, fvwm will exit.

       Fvwm  will  set  two  environment  variables which will be
       inherited  by  its  children.  These  are  $DISPLAY  which
       describes  the  display on which fvwm is running. $DISPLAY
       may be unix:0.0 or :0.0, which doesn't work too well  when
       passed  through  rsh  to  another machine, so $HOSTDISPLAY
       will also be set and will use a network-ready  description
       of  the  display.  $HOSTDISPLAY will always use the TCP/IP
       transport protocol (even for a local connection) so  $DIS-
       PLAY  should  be used for local connections, as it may use
       Unix-domain sockets, which are faster.


       If you typically use  shaped  windows  such  as  xeyes  or
       oclock,  you  have  several options. You can make them all
       undecorated (NoBorder oclock and NoTitle oclock, for exam-
       ple)  or  you  can use the default configuration and leave
       them decorated, in which case a decorative  border  and  a
       solid-color  backdrop are shown. Alternately, you can com-
       pile in the SHAPE extensions by changing  a  flag  in  the
       Makefile,  in which case you get the shaped window with no
       backdrop, and a title bar floats  above  the  window.  The
       shaped  window  extensions  increase  the window manager's
       memory consumption by about 60 Kbytes when no shaped  win-
       dows  are  present but have little effect when shaped win-
       dows are present.


       The basic Fvwm configuration uses monochrome bitmap icons,
       similar  to  twm.  If XPM extensions are compiled in, then
       color icons similar to ctwm, MS-Windows, or the  Macintosh
       icons  can be used. In order to use these options you will
       need the XPM package, as described in the Makefile.noImake
       and the Imakefile.


       A module is a separate program which runs  as  a  separate
       Unix  process  but  transmits commands to fvwm to execute.
       Future releases are expected to provide a means for  these
       modules  to  extract  window information from fvwm.  Users
       can write their own modules to do  any  weird  or  bizarre
       manipulations  without  affecting  the  integrity  of fvwm

       Modules MUST be spawned by fvwm so that it can set up  two
       pipes  for  fvwm  and  the module to communicate with. The
       pipes will already be open for the module when  it  starts
       and  the  file  descriptors  for the pipes are provided as
       command line arguments.

       Modules can be spawned during fvwm initialization via  the
       Module  option, or at any time during the X session by use
       of the Module built-in. Modules can exist for the duration
       of  the  X session, or can perform a single task and exit.
       If the module is still active when fvwm is told  to  quit,
       then  fvwm  will close the communication pipes and wait to
       receive a SIGCHLD from the module, indicating that it  has
       detected  the pipe closure and has exited. If modules fail
       to detect the pipe closure fvwm will exit  after  approxi-
       mately  30  seconds  anyway.  The number of simultaneously
       executing modules is limited  by  the  operating  system's
       maximum  number  of  simultaneously  open  files,  usually
       between 60 and 256.

       Modules simply transmit text commands to the fvwm built-in
       command engine. Text commands are formatted just as in the
       case of a mouse binding in the .fvwmrc setup file. Certain
       auxiliary  information is also transmitted, as in the sam-
       ple module GoodStuff. The GoodStuff module  is  documented
       in its own man page.


       Fvwm  attempts  to  be  ICCCM  1.1  compliant.  As of this
       (1.20l) colormap handling is not completely ICCCM  compli-
       ant.  In addition, ICCCM states that it should be possible
       for applications to receive ANY keystroke,  which  is  not
       consistent  with  the  keyboard  shortcut approach used in
       fvwm and most other window managers.


       If fvwm is compiled with the M4 option, fvwm uses m4(1) to
       preprocess  its  setup  files before parsing. This way you
       can use m4 macros to perform operations at runtime.   This

       For example, depending on your mood, you might  want  dif-
       ferent  color  schemes.  One way of doing this is by using
       the -m4opt to specify your mood.  For  a  sunny  mood  use
       -m4opt  -DSunny;  for a dark mood use -m4opt -DDark.  Your
       .fvwmrc file might then contain:

            StdForeColor        Black
            StdBackColor        LightSkyBlue
            HiForeColor         yellow
            HiBackColor         PeachPuff1
            PagerBackColor      BlanchedAlmond ')

            StdForeColor        Black
            StdBackColor        #60a0c0
            HiForeColor         black
            HiBackColor         #c06077
            PagerBackColor      #5c54c0
            PagerForeColor      orchid
            StickyForeColor          Black
            StickyBackColor          #60c0a0 ')

       The following m4 symbols are predefined by fvwm:

       BITS_PER_RGB            The number of significant bits  in
                               an  RGB color.  (log base 2 of the
                               number of distinct colors that can
                               be created.  This is often differ-
                               ent from the number of colors that
                               can be displayed at once.)

       CLASS                   Your  visual  class.   Will return
                               one  of   StaticGray,   GrayScale,
                               StaticColor,   PseudoColor,  True-
                               Color, DirectColor, or, if it can-
                               not  determine what you have, Non-

       CLIENTHOST              The machine that  is  running  the

       COLOR                   This will be either 'Yes' or 'No'.
                               This is just a wrapper around  the
                               CLASS  definition.   Returns 'Yes'
                               on *Color and 'No'  on  StaticGray
                               and GrayScale.

       FVWMDIR                 This  is set to the path where the
                               modules  were  configured  to   be
                               version of fvwm.

       HEIGHT                  The height of your display in pix-

       HOME                    The    user's    home   directory.
                               Obtained from the environment.

       HOSTNAME                The canonical hostname running the
                               clients   (ie.  a  fully-qualified
                               version of CLIENTHOST).

       OPTIONS                 This is a string of  compile  time
                               options used.  Each option is sep-
                               arated from the other by a  space.

       PLANES                  The number of bit planes your dis-
                               play supports in the default  root

       RELEASE                 The   release  number  of  your  X
                               server.  For MIT X11R5 this is  5.

       REVISION                The X minor protocol revision.  As
                               seen by ProtocolRevision(3).

       SERVERHOST              This variable is set to  the  name
                               of the machine that is running the
                               X server.

       TWM_TYPE                Tells which twm offshoot  is  run-
                               ning.   It  will  always be set to
                               the string "fvwm" in this program.
                               This   is  useful  for  protecting
                               parts of  your  .twmrc  file  that
                               fvwm proper won't understand (like
                               WorkSpaces) so that  it  is  still
                               usable with other twm programs.

       USER                    The  name  of the user running the
                               program.  Obtained from the  envi-

       VENDOR                  The  vendor of your X server.  For
                               example: MIT X Consortium.

       VERSION                 The X major protocol version.   As
                               seen by ProtocolVersion(3).

       WIDTH                   The  width of your display in pix-

       Y_RESOLUTION            The  Y  resolution of your display
                               in pixels per meter.

       You may well find that if you research  the  m4(1)  manual
       well  and  understand the power of m4, this will be a very
       useful and powerful tool.  But if you use any of the  sym-
       bols which are predefined by m4, you are in severe danger!
       For example, Sun's m4 predefines include, so  if  you  use
       that  name in your .fvwmrc, you are out of luck.  The cor-
       rect solution to this problem is to put a  set  of  quotes
       around the troublesome word:  `include'.

       To  help alleviate this problem, the following options may
       be useful.  To change the quoting characters used  by  m4,
       use  the  options  -m4-squote  and -m4-equote.  Be sure to
       specify both options otherwise m4 will be confused.   When
       these  are  given, a changequote macro is given before the
       users fvwmrc file is processed.

       NOTE: Some versions of  m4  are  broken  with  respect  to
       changing  quoting characters and included files.  When the
       quoting strings are longer than one character,  the  macro
       "include(<<file>>)",  where  "<<" and ">>" are the quoting
       characters, contains extra characters around the  contents
       of  the  included  file.   This  will confuse fvwm.  SunOS
       4.1.3 is known to have this problem.

       If you are using GNU m4 an additional option is available.
       By   specifying  -m4-prefix  when  starting  fvwm,  m4  is
       instructed to prefix all builtin macros with  m4_.   Thus,
       include becomes m4_include.

       The availability of the m4 preprocessing is subject to the
       compilation define M4.


       These are the command line options that are recoginzed  by

       -f config_file
              Causes  fvwm  to use config_file in the user's home
              directory instead of .fvwmrc as the window  manager
              configuration file.

       -debug Puts X transactions in synchronous mode, which dra-
              matically slows things down,  but  guarantees  that
              fvwm's internal error messages are correct.

       -d displayname
              Manage  the display called "displayname" instead of

       -s     On  a  multi-screen  display,  run fvwm only on the
              screen named in the $DISPLAY  environment  variable
              or  provided  through the -d option. Normally, fvwm
              will attempt to start up on all screens of a multi-
              screen display.

              Print the version of fvwm to stderr.

       The  following  options are available only if fvwm is com-
       piled with the M4 option.

       -no-m4 Do not use  m4  to  preprocess  the  .fvwmrc.   The
              default  is  to  preprocess  the startup file using

              If GNU m4 is available,  cause  m4  to  prefix  all
              builtin commands with m4_.

       -m4opt option
              Pass  this  option  to  m4.   The option can be any
              string of characters without spaces.   This  option
              can  occur multiple times.  If GNU m4 is available,
              DO NOT pass the -P  option  here.   Use  -m4-prefix

       -m4-squote string
              Use this given string as the starting quote charac-
              ters.  You must also specify -m4-equote.

       -m4-equote string
              Use this given string as the ending  quote  charac-
              ters.  You must also specify -m4-squote.

       -m4prog path
              Use  path as the location of the desired m4 proces-
              sor.  By default, m4prog is set to "m4" which  must
              exist  somewhere  on  the user's path.  This option
              allows the user to explicitly choose the version of
              m4 to use.


       The  configuration file is used to describe mouse and but-
       ton  bindings,  colors,  the  virtual  display  size,  and
       related  items.  This  section describes the configuration
       options. Lines beginning with '#' will be ignored by fvwm.
       Lines  starting  with  '*'  are expected to contain module
       configuration commands (rather than configuration commands
       for fvwm itself).
              Causes   application  windows  to  request  backing
              store. This option compromises the ICCCM compliance
              of  the window manager. While this option can speed
              things up in an X-terminal, where redraws  of  win-
              dows are expensive, it may not help much on regular

       AutoRaise delay
              Enables auto-raising of windows and  specifies  the
              time  delay (in milliseconds) between when a window
              acquires the input focus and when it  is  automati-
              cally  raised.  This option works in focus-follows-
              mouse mode, and in click-to-focus mode if the focus
              is  changed  by  clicking in the application window
              instead of a decoration window.  In  click-to-focus
              mode,  you can suppress the raise-on-focus behavior
              by specifying a negative delay value.

              Causes fvwm decorations to request  backing  store.
              See the discussion on AppsBackingStore.

       BoundaryWidth Width
              Changes  the boundary width on decorated windows to
              the specified value.  The default is 6 pixels.

              The Style command provides another  (more  general)
              method for specifying BoundaryWidth.

       ButtonStyle button# WidthxHeight
              Defines the rectangular decoration shape to be used
              in a title-bar button.  button#  is  the  title-bar
              button  number, and is between 0 and 9.  A descrip-
              tion of title-bar button numbers is  given  in  the
              Mouse  section  below.   Width is the percentage of
              the full button width which is to be  used.  Height
              is  the  percentage  of the full height to be used.
              Negative numbers cause the shading to be  inverted.

              And that's not all! If you use a line like:

                   ButtonStyle : 2 4 50x30@1 70x70@0 30x70@0 50x30@1

              then  the  button  2  decoration will use a 4-point
              pattern consisting of a line  from  (x=50,y=30)  to
              (70,70)  in  the  shadow  color  (@0),  and then to
              (30,70) in the shadow color, and finally to (50,30)
              in the highlight color (@1). Is that too confusing?
              When circulating, the desktop page  containing  the
              window  which the pointer is moving to is automati-
              cally selected. If  CenterOnCirculate  is  selected
              then  fvwm  will  do  its best to center the target
              window in the desktop viewport,  rather  than  just
              lining up to the closest page.

       CirculateSkip windowname
              Causes  windows  with  the  indicated  name  to  be
              skipped over when the  circulate-up  or  circulate-
              down  functions  are  invoked.  windowname can be a
              window's name or its class.

              The Style command provides another  (more  general)
              method for specifying CirculateSkip.

              Causes  circulate  and warp operations to skip over
              iconified windows.

       ClickTime delay
              Specifies  the  maximum  delay  (in   milliseconds)
              between a button press and a button release for the
              Function built-in to consider the  action  a  mouse
              click. The default delay is 150 milliseconds.

              Normally  keyboard  input  goes  to  the window the
              mouse pointer is in. If this option is set the key-
              board  input  stays with one window until the mouse
              is clicked with the pointer  positioned  in  a  new

       Cursor  cursor_num cursor_type
              This provides a very awkward way of changing cursor
              styles.  Cursor_num  tells  which  cursor  you  are
              changing, and is a number between 0 and 12, as fol-

                 0 POSITION     - used when initially placing windows.
                 1 TITLE        - used in a window title-bar.
                 2 DEFAULT      - used in windows that don't set their cursor.
                 3 SYS          - used in one of the title-bar buttons.
                 4 MOVE         - used when moving or resizing windows.
                 5 WAIT         - used during an EXEC builtin command.
                 6 MENU         - used in menus.
                 7 SELECT       - used for various builtin commands such as iconify.

                10 RIGHT        - used in the right side-bar of a window.
                11 BOTTOM       - used in the bottom side-bar of a window.
                12 LEFT         - used in the left side-bar of a window.
                13 TOP_LEFT     - used in the top left corner of a window.
                14 TOP_RIGHT    - used in the top right corner of a window.
                15 BOTTOM_LEFT  - used in the bottom left corner of a window.
                16 BOTTOM_RIGHT - used in the bottom right corner of a window.

              The cursor_type argument is a  number  which  tells
              the  cursor shape to use. The available numbers can
              be found in /usr/include/X11/cursorfont.h  and  are
              currently  even  numbers  between 0 and 152. At the
              current time, the following cursor types are avail-

                0   X_cursor                  2   arrow
                4   based_arrow_down          6   based_arrow_up
                8   boat                      10  bogosity
                12  bottom_left_corner        14  bottom_right_corner
                16  bottom_side               18  bottom_tee
                20  box_spiral                22  center_ptr
                24  circle                    26  clock
                28  coffee_mug                30  cross
                32  cross_reverse             34  crosshair
                36  diamond_cross             38  dot
                40  dotbox                    42  double_arrow
                44  draft_large               46  draft_small
                48  draped_box                50  exchange
                52  fleur                     54  gobbler
                56  gumby                     58  hand1
                60  hand2                     62  heart
                64  icon                      66  iron_cross
                68  left_ptr                  70  left_side
                72  left_tee                  74  leftbutton
                76  ll_angle                  78  lr_angle
                80  man                       82  middlebutton
                84  mouse                     86  pencil
                88  pirate                    90  plus
                92  question_arrow            94  right_ptr
                96  right_side                98  right_tee
                100 rightbutton               102 rtl_logo
                104 sailboat                  106 sb_down_arrow
                108 sb_h_double_arrow              110 sb_left_arrow
                112 sb_right_arrow            114 sb_up_arrow
                116 sb_v_double_arrow              118 shuttle
                120 sizing                    122 spider
                124 spraycan                  126 star
                128 target                    130 tcross
                132 top_left_arrow            134 top_left_corner
                136 top_right_corner               138 top_side
                140 top_tee                   142 trek
                144 ul_angle                  146 umbrella

              Causes  transient  windows, which are normally left
              undecorated, to be given  the  usual  fvwm  decora-
              tions.  Note  that some pop-up windows, such as the
              xterm menus, are not managed by the window  manager
              and still do not receive decorations.

       DeskTopScale Scale
              Defines  the  virtual desktop scale with respect to
              the screen.

       DeskTopSize HorizontalxVertical
              Defines the virtual desktop size in  units  of  the
              physical screen size.

              Prevents  windows from being moved off or initially
              placed off of the desktop.  A few programs will not
              work  correctly  if  you use this option. This only
              keeps windows from being completely  lost  off  the
              edge  of the desktop. It insists on keeping 16 pix-
              els on the desktop but doesn't  care  a  bit  about
              keeping  the  whole window on the desk. See EdgeRe-
              sistance if you don't like having windows partially
              off the screen.

       EdgeResistance scrolling moving
              Tells  how  hard it should be to change the desktop
              viewport by moving the mouse over the edge  of  the
              screen  and  how hard it should be to move a window
              over the edge of the screen.

              The first  parameter  tells  how  milliseconds  the
              pointer  must  spend on the screen edge before fvwm
              will move the viewport. This is intended for people
              who  use  "EdgeScroll  100 100" but find themselves
              accidentally flipping pages when  they  don't  want

              The second parameter tells how many pixels over the
              edge of the screen a window's edge must move before
              it actually moves partially off the screen.

              Note  that, with "EdgeScroll 0 0", it is still pos-
              sible to move or resize windows across the edge  of
              impossible. With EdgeResistance less than 10000 but
              greater than 0 moving over pages becomes  difficult
              but not impossible.

       EdgeScroll horizontal vertical
              Specifies  the  percentage of a page to scroll when
              the cursor hits the edge of a page.  If  you  don't
              want  any paging or scrolling when you hit the edge
              of a page include "EdgeScroll 0 0" in your  .fvwmrc
              file.  If you want whole pages, use "EdgeScroll 100
              100". Both horizontal and vertical should be  posi-
              tive numbers.

              If the horizontal and vertical percentages are mul-
              tiplied by 1000 then scrolling will wrap around  at
              the  edge  of  the  desktop.  If "EdgeScroll 100000
              100000" is used fvwm will scroll  by  whole  pages,
              wrapping around at the edge of the desktop.

       Font fontname
              Makes fvwm use font fontname instead of "fixed" for
              menus, the resize indicators, and icon  labels  (if
              IconFont is not specified).

       Function FunctionName
              Starts  the  definition of a complex function, com-
              posed of the fvwm built-in  functions,  which  will
              later  be bound to a mouse button or key. Function-
              Name must be enclosed in quotes.  Function  entries
              are  included  on lines following the Function key-
              word. The definition ends with the  key  word  End-
              Function.  Function  entries are specified as shown
              in the following example. The first  word  on  each
              line  is  the  built-in function which will be per-
              formed, followed the type  of  event  which  should
              trigger  the  action (enclosed in quotes), followed
              by any additional arguments needed by the  built-in
              function. Menus can be specified by using the Popup
              built-in as long as the menu was defined earlier in
              the configuration file.

              The  trigger actions which are recognized are Imme-
              diate, Motion, Click,  and  DoubleClick.  Immediate
              actions  are  executed  as  soon as the function is
              activated, even if a window has not been  selected.
              If  there  are  actions  other than immediate ones,
              fvwm will wait to see if the user is clicking, dou-
              ble-clicking,  or  dragging  the  mouse.  After the
              decision is made, fvwm will execute only the built-

              If the following example were bound to button 1  in
              a window title-bar, then, when button 1 is pressed,
              fvwm would wait 150 msec to see if  the  button  is
              released.  If  the button is not released fvwm will
              start a move operation. When the move operation  is
              complete  a raise operation will be performed. If a
              button release is  detected  then  fvwm  will  wait
              another  150  msec  for a second click. If only one
              click is detected then the window will  be  raised.
              If  two  clicks  are  detected  the  window will be
              alternately raised and lowered. The 150  msec  wait
              duration can be altered using the ClickTime option.

                   Function "Move-or-Raise"
                       Move            "Motion"
                       Raise           "Motion"
                       Raise           "Click"
                       RaiseLower      "DoubleClick"

              The clicking and double clicking  concepts  do  not
              carry through to using keyboard shortcuts.

              Two   special  functions  exist:  InitFunction  and
              RestartFunction. The InitFunction  will  be  called
              when  fvwm  is  started for the first time in any X
              session and can be used to start modules, set back-
              ground  patterns,  and  begin programs. The restart
              function will be called when fvwm is restarted.  It
              can  be  used  to  start modules and set background
              patterns but probably should not be used  to  start

       HiBackColor colorname
              Sets the background color of the selected window to
              colorname. When  using  a  monochrome  screen  this
              option is ignored and white is used.

       HiForeColor colorname
              Sets  the  color  of the selected window's title to
              colorname. When  using  a  monochrome  screen  this
              option is ignored and black is used.

       Icon windowname bitmap-file
              Specifies  the  bitmap to be used for a window when
              it is iconified.  The windowname can be an applica-
              tion's  window  name  or  class  name  and  must be
              enclosed in quotes. The bitmap-file is  either  the
              bitmap/pixmap  is  used  in  preference to any icon
              supplied by the window itself.

              If fvwm is compiled  with  XPM  support  for  color
              icons then bitmap can be an XPM pixmap file.

              windowname  should be enclosed in double quotes but
              bitmap-file  should  not.   Environment   variables
              should  not  be  used in the bitmap-file specifica-

              If windowname is an empty string then the specified
              file  is  the  default icon, and will be used if no
              other icon bitmap or pixmap can be found:

                   Icon "" my-favorite-icon

              The Style command provides another  (more  general)
              method for specifying Icon.

       IconBox left top right bottom
              Defines  regions  of  the  screen in which to place
              icons. Up to four icon boxes can be defined. If  an
              IconBox  line is provided then icons will automati-
              cally be placed in them, if possible. Each  time  a
              window  is  iconified  a new place is found for it.
              Icon boxes are searched for  space  going  left  to
              right,  then top to bottom. Icons will not be auto-
              placed on top of other icons but they may be placed
              underneath application windows. If left or right is
              negative, then fvwm will add the  screen  width  to
              it.  If  top  or bottom is negative, then fvwm will
              add the screen height to it. NOTE: -0 is not parsed
              as  the  right  or  bottom pixel on the screen. You
              have to use -1 instead.

              If no IconBox line is provided or  all  icon  boxes
              are  full, then fvwm will place icons near the cur-
              rent pointer location.

       IconFont fontname
              Makes fvwm use font fontname for  icon  labels.  If
              omitted,  the menu font (specified by the Font con-
              figuration parameter) will be used instead.

       IconPath path
              Specifies a colon separated list of full path names
              of  directories where bitmap (monochrome) icons can
              built,  then  m4  will  want  to  mangle  the  word
              "include"  which  will  frequently  show  up in the
              IconPath or PixmapPath command.  To  fix  this  add
              undefine(`include')  prior to the IconPath command.

       Key keyname Context Modifiers Function
              Binds a keyboard key to a specified  fvwm  built-in
              function.   Definition  is  the same as for a mouse
              binding except that  the  mouse  button  number  is
              replaced with a key name. The keyname is one of the
              entries from /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h, with the
              leading  XK_  omitted.  The  Context  and Modifiers
              fields are defined as in the mouse binding.

              Binding a key to a title-bar button will not  cause
              that  button  to appear unless a mouse binding also

              The ICCCM states that if an  application  sets  the
              input  field  of  the  wm_hints structure to False,
              then it never wants the window manager to  give  it
              the  input  focus. The only application that I know
              of which needs this is sxpm, and that  is  a  silly
              bug with a trivial fix and has no overall effect on
              the program anyway. Rumor is that some older appli-
              cations have problems too.

              If this parameter is set then fvwm will ignore this
              ICCCM convention.

       MenuBackColor colorname
              Sets  the  menu  background   color.   When   using
              monochrome  this  option is ignored. This option is
              only available if fvwm is compiled  with  MENUCOLOR

       MenuForeColor colorname
              Sets   the   menu   foreground  color.  When  using
              monochrome this option is ignored. This  option  is
              only  available  if fvwm is compiled with MENUCOLOR

       MenuStippleColor colorname
              Sets the color for shaded out entries in menus (for
              functions  which  are  not allowed on the currently
              selected window). When using monochrome this option
              MENUCOLOR defined.

       Module ModuleName
              Specifies  a  module which should be spawned during
              initialization. At the current time  the  available
              modules   are  FvwmAudio,  FvwmBacker,  FvwmBanner,
              FvwmClean, FvwmDebug, FvwmIconBox, FvwmIdent, Fvwm-
              Pager, FvwmSave, FvwmSaveDesk, FvwmScroll, FvwmWin-
              List, and GoodStuff. These modules have  their  own
              man  pages.  Module can also be used as a built-in.
              Modules can be short lived transient  programs  or,
              like  GoodStuff, can remain for the duration of the
              X session. Modules will be terminated by the window
              manager  prior  to restarts and quits, if possible.
              See the introductory section on modules.

              Specifies a colon separated list of paths for  fvwm
              to search when looking for a module to load.  Indi-
              vidual directories do not need trailing slashes.

       Mouse Button Context Modifiers Function
              Defines a mouse binding. Button is the mouse button
              number. If Button is zero then any button will per-
              form the  specified  function.   Context  describes
              where the binding applies. Valid contexts are R for
              the root window, W for an application window, T for
              a  window  title  bar, S for a window side, top, or
              bottom bar, F for a window frame (the  corners),  I
              for  an  Icon  window, or 0 through 9 for title-bar
              buttons, or any combination of these letters. A  is
              for  any  context except for title-bar buttons. For
              instance, a context of  FST  will  apply  when  the
              mouse  is  anywhere in a window's border except the
              title-bar buttons.

              Modifiers is any combination of N for no modifiers,
              C  for  control,  S for shift, M for Meta, or A for
              any modifier.  For example, a modifier of  SM  will
              apply  when  both the Meta and shift keys are down.
              X11 modifiers mod1 through mod5 are represented  as
              the digits 1 through 5.

              Function is one of fvwm's built-in functions.

              The  title  bar  buttons are numbered with odd num-
              bered buttons on the left side of the title bar and
              even numbers on the right. Smaller-numbered buttons
              are displayed toward  the  outside  of  the  window
              mary, the buttons are numbered:

                   1 3 5 7 9    0 8 6 4 2

              The highest odd numbered button which has an action
              bound to it determines the number of buttons  drawn
              on the left side of the title bar. The highest even
              number determines the number or right side  buttons
              which  are  drawn.  Actions  can be bound to either
              mouse buttons or keyboard keys.

              Substitutes MWM style 1  pixel  wide  relief  lines
              instead of fvwm's 2 pixel borders.

              Disables  button press feedback for all decorations
              except the title bar and title-bar buttons,  as  in

              Causes  fvwm  to  read the MOTIF_WM_HINTS atom from
              application windows and to  parse  and  attempt  to
              replicate  the Motif behavior with regard to window
              decorations.  Note that mwm allows  function  hints
              to  affect window decorations but these effects are
              not replicated by this option.

              Causes fvwm to read the  MOTIF_WM_HINTS  atom  from
              application  windows  and  to  parse and attempt to
              replicate the Motif behavior with regard to allowed
              window functions.  Unlike mwm, which simply removes
              prohibited functions from the window's menus,  fvwm
              simply  shades  out the prohibited functions. Also,
              because fvwm  implements  some  functions  in  user
              defined  macros that mwm implements internally, the
              mapping of prohibited functions is partially  based
              on the menu item label.

              If  MWMFunctionHints  is used then maximization and
              iconfication are prohibited for  transients.  Also,
              windows  can specify that the window manager should
              not destroy or delete them. Since these  MWM  rules
              are  kind  of stupid, especially with regard to the
              transient windows, I provide  this  MWMHintOverride
              can go ahead and select that item and it will oper-
              ate as expected.

              The override should be used cautiously because some
              applications  will  break if you override their mwm

              Substitutes MWM look and feel menus in place of the
              standard  fvwm versions.  This option also triggers
              a few other mwm-style options,  such  as  centering
              the  size/resize  window  on the screen, instead of
              leaving it in the  upper  left,  and  switches  the
              resize-on-initial-placement   trigger   action   to
              shift-button-1 instead of the twm style  press-but-

       NoBorder windowname
              Keeps  fvwm from putting decorative borders on win-
              dows named windowname. This command has  no  effect
              on  the  title-bar.   This  is handy for clocks and
              similar gadgets that you don't want to take up  too
              much  space.  windowname  can be a window's name or
              its class.

              If you specify both NoBorder windowname and NoTitle
              windowname for the same window in your .fvwmrc file
              the window will be completely undecorated.

              Windowname can contain the wildcards  "*"  and  "?"
              which  match  window names in the normal Unix file-
              name matching manner.  Actual  "*",  "?",  and  "\"
              characters  in a window name can be entered by pre-
              ceding the character with a "\".

              The Style command provides another  (more  general)
              method for specifying NoBorder.

       NoBoundaryWidth Width
              Changes  the  width  of the decorations for windows
              with no titles and no borders.  The default  is  1.
              Any  positive or zero value is acceptable.  Decora-
              tions for these undecorated windows have  the  same
              context as the side-bars on normally decorated win-

              The Style command provides another  (more  general)
              method for specifying NoBoundaryWidth.

              Instructs  fvwm  to ignore the PPosition field when
              adding new windows.   Adherence  to  the  PPosition
              field is required for some applications, but if you
              don't have one of those its a real headache.

       NoTitle windowname
              Keeps fvwm from putting a title-bar in the  decora-
              tions  for  windows named windowname. This is handy
              for clocks and similar gadgets that you don't  want
              to take up too much space. windowname can be a win-
              dow's name or its class.

              Windowname can contain the wildcards  "*"  and  "?"
              which  match  window names in the normal Unix file-
              name matching manner.  Actual  "*",  "?",  and  "\"
              characters  in a window name can be entered by pre-
              ceding the character with a "\".

              The Style command provides another  (more  general)
              method for specifying NoTitle.

       OpaqueMove percentage
              Tells  fvwm  the  maximum  size  window  with which
              opaque window movement should be used. The percent-
              age  is  percent  of  the  total  screen area. With
              "OpaqueMove 0" all windows will be moved using  the
              traditional  rubber-band  outline. With "OpaqueMove
              100" all windows will be move as solid windows. The
              default  is "OpaqueMove 5", which allows small win-
              dows to be moved in an opaque manner but large win-
              dows are moved as rubber-bands.

              Causes resize operations to be done with the window
              itself instead of an outline.

       Pager  X_Location Y_Location
              Enables a paging style of moving across  the  desk-
              top.  A  Pager window (not a pop-up) will appear at
              (X_Location, Y_Location). Miniature versions of all
              the  non-sticky  windows on the virtual desktop are
              shown in the pager.  The  color  of  the  miniature
              version  is  the same as the color of the full-size
              window's border.

              In the Pager window, pressing mouse button  1  will
              move  the desktop viewport to the selected page (in
              click-to-focus mode; it will also move the keyboard
              begin a window move, using the miniature to quickly
              move the window anywhere on the desktop.   Pressing
              button 3 will move the top-left corner of the view-
              port to the location of the button press,  even  if
              it does not line up with a page.  Dragging button 3
              will cause the selected viewport to scroll  as  you
              move the pointer. The Pager is automatically sticky
              but does not automatically stay on top.

       PagerForeColor colorname
              Causes the pager foreground color to  be  colorname
              instead  of black.  This is the color used to high-
              light the current viewport in the pager window.  On
              a  monochrome screen this option is ignored. If the
              NO_PAGER option is  set  when  building  fvwm  this
              option is unavailable.

       PagerBackColor colorname
              Causes  the  pager background color to be colorname
              instead of white.   On  a  monochrome  screen  this
              option  is  ignored.  If the NO_PAGER option is set
              when building fvwm this option is unavailable.

       PagerFont fontname
              Makes fvwm use font  fontname  for  writing  window
              icon  names  in  the window's representation in the
              pager. If this option is omitted no names are writ-
              ten in the pager windows.

       PagingDefault pagingdefaultvalue
              Tells  fvwm  if  it  should  start  up  with paging
              enabled or disabled.  "PagingDefault 0" will  start
              fvwm  with  paging disabled; "PagingDefault 1" will
              start fvwm with paging enabled by default.

       PixmapPath path
              Specifies a colon separated list of full path names
              of  directories  where  pixmap (color) icons can be
              found. Each path should start with a slash.

       Popup PopupName
              Starts the definition of a pop-up menu  which  will
              later  be bound to a mouse button or key. PopupName
              must be  enclosed  in  quotes.   Menu  entries  are
              included  on lines following the Popup keyword. The
              menu definition ends with the  key  word  EndPopup.
              the built-in function which will be performed, fol-
              lowed by the caption  (enclosed  in  quotes)  which
              will  be  shown  in the menu, followed by any addi-
              tional arguments needed by the  built-in  function.
              Sub-menus  can  be  specified  by  using  the Popup
              built-in as long as the sub-menu was  defined  ear-
              lier in the configuration file.

                   Popup "Window Ops"
                       Title   "Window Ops"
                       Move    "Move"
                       Resize  "Resize"
                       Raise   "Raise"
                       Lower   "Lower"
                       Iconify "(De)Iconify"
                       Nop     " "
                       Destroy "Destroy"
                       Title   "HARDCOPY"
                       Exec    "Hardcopy"  exec xdpr &
                       Exec    "Hardcopy RV"  exec xdpr -rv &

              Note  that  if  a  tab character is embedded in the
              caption of a menu entry then the text following the
              tab  will  be  entered  into a second column in the
              menu and the entire  menu  will  be  left-adjusted.
              This  is  intended  for  shortcut labeling. The tab
              character must really be a tab. If it  is  expanded
              into spaces it will not work! For example:

                   Popup "Window Ops"
                       Title   "Window Ops  Alt-F1"

              Is  the  start of a left adjusted menu. Alt-F1 will
              be placed toward the right side of the menu.

              Shortcut keys may be specified in the menu  defini-
              tion  by preceding the character with an ampersand.
              The ampersand will not be displayed but the charac-
              ter  after  it will be displayed underlined, and if
              the user presses the corresponding  key  then  that
              item  will  be activated as if the user had clicked
              on it with the mouse.  Only alphabetic and  numeric
              characters may be used as shortcut keys.  The shift
              state of  the  keyboard  is  ignored  when  testing
              shortcut characters. For example:

                   Popup "Window Ops"
                       Maximize "Ma&ximise" 100 100

              lined and pressing the 'x' key will cause the  cur-
              rent  window to be maximized. Shortcut keys are not
              operative  unless  MENU_HOTKEYS  was  defined  when
              building  fvwm.   If  WINDOWLIST_HOTKEYS  was  also
              defined then hot keys are  automatically  added  to
              the WindowList when it is displayed.

              Causes  windows  which  would normally require user
              placement to be automatically  placed  in  ever-so-
              slightly  random  locations.   For  the best of all
              possible worlds use both RandomPlacement and Smart-

              Causes  the fvwm decoration frames to request save-
              unders. This can significantly improve the  perfor-
              mance  during opaque moves but it causes a signifi-
              cant increase in memory usage.

              This focusing mode is like focus-follows-mouse (the
              default)  except that the focus will not be removed
              from a window until your mouse enters a new window.
              Exiting  a  window  to  enter  the root window will
              leave the focus unchanged.

              Causes windows which would  normally  require  user
              placement  to  be  automatically  placed in a smart
              location - a location in which they do not  overlap
              any  other  windows on the screen. If no such posi-
              tion can be found user placement or  random  place-
              ment  will  be used as a fall-back method.  For the
              best of all possible worlds use  both  RandomPlace-
              ment and SmartPlacement.

       StartsOnDesk windowname desk-number
              This  command causes windows whose name or class is
              windowname to be initially placed on desktop number
              desk-number.  windowname should be enclosed in dou-
              ble quotes.  If  the  window  requires  interactive
              placement, an outline will be displayed on the cur-
              rent desk but the window will appear on the  speci-
              fied desk.

              Windowname  can  contain  the wildcards "*" and "?"
              characters in a window name can be entered by  pre-
              ceding the character with a "\".

              The  Style  command provides another (more general)
              method for specifying StartsOnDesk.

       StaysOnTop windowname
              These  windows always try to stay  on  top  of  the
              other  windows.  This  might be handy for clocks or
              mailboxes that you would always like to be visible.
              If the window is explicitly lowered it will not try
              to force its way  back  to  the  top  until  it  is
              explicitly  raised.  windowname  can  be a window's
              name or its class.

              Windowname can contain the wildcards  "*"  and  "?"
              which  match  window names in the normal Unix file-
              name matching manner.  Actual  "*",  "?",  and  "\"
              characters  in a window name can be entered by pre-
              ceding the character with a "\".

              The Style command provides another  (more  general)
              method for specifying StaysOnTop.

       StdBackColor colorname
              Sets  the  background  color  for  menus  and  non-
              selected  windows  to  colorname.  When   using   a
              monochrome  screen this option is ignored and white
              is used.

              The Style command provides another  (more  general)
              method for specifying StdBackColor.

       StdForeColor colorname
              Sets  the  foreground  color  for  menus  and  non-
              selected window titles to colorname. When  using  a
              monochrome  screen this option is ignored and black
              is used.

              The Style command provides another  (more  general)
              method for specifying StdForeColor.

       StickyBackColor colorname
              Sets  the  background color for non-selected sticky
              windows  to  colorname.  When  using  a  monochrome
              screen  this  option  is ignored and white is used.
              Only available if -DMORE_COLORS is used  when  com-
              Sets  the  foreground color for non-selected sticky
              window titles to colorname. When using a monochrome
              screen  this  option  is ignored and black is used.
              Only available if -DMORE_COLORS is used  when  com-

       Sticky windowname
              Sticky  windows "stick to the screen's glass." That
              is, they don't move the the viewport into the  vir-
              tual desktop changes.  windowname can be a window's
              name or its class.

              Windowname can contain the wildcards  "*"  and  "?"
              which  match  window names in the normal Unix file-
              name matching manner.  Actual  "*",  "?",  and  "\"
              characters  in a window name can be entered by pre-
              ceding the character with a "\".

              The Style command provides another  (more  general)
              method for specifying Sticky.

              Causes icons to always stick to the screen's glass.
              That is, icons always follow you around  the  desk-
              top.  When  a  window  is  de-iconified it gets un-
              stuck. Some people find this a useful way of moving
              windows around.

              Changes de-iconification behavior a bit. Instead of
              having windows always de-iconify themselves on  the
              current  page  they  de-iconify into their original

              When used with IconBoxes,  causes  icons  to  avoid
              placing themselves underneath existing windows.

              When  using  SmartPlacement,  causes new windows to
              avoid placing themselves over icons.

       Style windowname options
              This command is intended to  replace  the  commands
              NoBorder,  NoTitle,  StartsOnDesk, Sticky, StaysOn-
              Top, Icon, WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip,  Suppres-
              ble  and  comprehensive  command.   This command is
              used to set attributes of a window to values  other
              than  the  default  or  to  set  the window manager
              default styles.

              windowname  can  be  a  window's  name,  class,  or
              resource  string.  It  can  contain the wildcards *
              and/or ?, which are matched in the usual Unix file-
              name manner.

              options  is  a comma separated list containing some
              or  all   of   the   keywords   BorderWidth,   Han-
              dleWidth,NoIcon/Icon, NoTitle/Title, NoHandles/Han-
              dles,     WindowListSkip/WindowListHit,      Circu-
              lateSkip/CirculateHit,         StaysOnTop/StaysPut,
              Sticky/Slippery,  StartIconic/StartNormal,   Color,
              ForeColor,  BackColor, StartsOnDesk/StartsAnyWhere,
              IconTitle/NoIconTitle, and NoButton/Button.

              In the above list some options are listed as style-
              option/opposite-style-option.  The  opposite-style-
              option for entries that  have  them  describes  the
              fvwm  default  behavior and can be used if you want
              to change the fvwm default behavior.

              Icon takes an (optional) unquoted  string  argument
              which is the icon bitmap or pixmap to use.

              StartsOnDesk  takes a numeric argument which is the
              desktop number on which the window should  be  ini-
              tially placed.

              BorderWidth  takes  a numeric argument which is the
              width of the border to place the window if it  does
              not have resize-handles.

              HandleWidth  takes  a numeric argument which is the
              width of the border to place the window if it  does
              have resize-handles.

              Button  and  NoButton take a numeric argument which
              is the number of the title-bar button which  is  to
              be included/omitted.

              Color takes two arguments. The first is the window-
              label text color and the second is the window deco-
              ration's   normal background color.  The two colors
              are separated with a slash. If the use of  a  slash
              causes  problems  then  the  seperate ForeColor and
              BackColor options can be used.

                   # Change default fvwm behavior to no title-bars on windows!
                   # Also define a default icon.
                   Style "*" NoTitle,Icon unknown1.xpm, BorderWidth 4,HandleWidth 5

                   # now, window specific changes:
                   Style "Fvwm*"     NoHandles,Sticky,WindowListSkip,BorderWidth 0
                   Style "Fvwm Pager"                 StaysOnTop, BorderWidth 0
                   Style "*lock"     NoHandles,Sticky,StaysOnTop,WindowListSkip
                   Style "xbiff"               Sticky,           WindowListSkip
                   Style "GoodStuff" NoHandles,Sticky,WindowListSkip
                   Style "sxpm"      NoHandles
                   Style "makerkit"

                   # Put title-bars back on xterms only!
                   Style "xterm"     Title, Color black/grey

                   Style "rxvt"      Icon term.xpm
                   Style "xterm"     Icon rterm.xpm
                   Style "xcalc"     Icon xcalc.xpm
                   Style "xbiff"     Icon mail1.xpm
                   Style "xmh"       Icon mail1.xpm, StartsOnDesk 2
                   Style "xman"      Icon xman.xpm
                   Style "matlab"    Icon math4.xpm, StartsOnDesk 3
                   Style "xmag"      Icon magnifying_glass2.xpm
                   Style "xgraph"    Icon graphs.xpm
                   Style "GoodStuff" Icon toolbox.xpm

                   Style "Maker"     StartsOnDesk 1
                   Style "signal"    StartsOnDesk 3

              Note that all properties for a window will be OR'ed
              together. In the above example "FvwmPager" gets the
              property StaysOnTop via an exact window name  match
              but also gets NoHandles, Sticky, and WindowListSkip
              by a match to  "Fvwm*".  It  will  get  NoTitle  by
              virtue of a match to "*". If conflicting styles are
              specified for a window, then the last style  speci-
              fied will be used.

              If  the  NoIcon attribute is set then the specified
              window will simply disappear when it is  iconified.
              The  window  can  be  recovered through the window-
              list. If Icon is set without an argument  then  the
              NoIcon  attribute  is cleared but no icon is speci-
              fied. An example which allows  only  the  FvwmPager
              module icon to exist:

                   Style "*" NoIcon
                   Style "Fvwm Pager" Icon

              Prevents  icon windows from being created or drawn.
              When used with the window-list this provides a sort
              of icon manager.

              The  Style  command provides another (more general)
              method for specifying SuppressIcons.

       WindowFont fontname
              Makes fvwm use font fontname instead of "fixed" for
              the window title bar.

       WindowListSkip windowname
              Causes  windows  with the indicated name to be left
              out of the window list.

              Windowname can contain the wildcards  "*"  and  "?"
              which  match  window names in the normal Unix file-
              name matching manner.  Actual  "*",  "?",  and  "\"
              characters  in a window name can be entered by pre-
              ceding the character with a "\".

              The Style command provides another  (more  general)
              method for specifying WindowListSkip.

       XORvalue number
              Changes  the  value with which bits are XOR'ed when
              doing rubber-band window moving or  resizing.  Set-
              ting this value is a trial-and-error process.


       Fvwm  supports  a  set  of built-in functions which can be
       bound to keyboard or mouse buttons:

       Beep   Makes the computer beep.

       CirculateDown [ name window_name ]
              Causes the pointer to move to the  next  window  in
              the list of windows for which CirculateSkip has not
              not been specified.

              If the optional arguments  are  supplied  then  the
              focus  will move to the first window whose name (or
              icon  name  or  class)  matches  window_name.   The
              optional  argument  name is required if window_name
              is supplied and is enclosed in quotes.  This  argu-
              ment  is  the  name  which  appears in menus if the

       CirculateUp [ name window_name ]
              Causes the pointer to move to the  previous  window
              in  the list of windows for which CirculateSkip has
              not not been specified.

              If the optional arguments  are  supplied  then  the
              focus  will move to the first window whose name (or
              icon  name  or  class)  matches  window_name.   The
              optional  argument  name is required if window_name
              is supplied and is enclosed in quotes.  This  argu-
              ment  is  the  name  which  appears in menus if the
              function is called from a menu, but serves no  pur-
              pose if the function is not called from a menu

              Here's  an  example that move the focus to an xterm
              window when Alt-F1 is pressed:

                   Key F1 A M CirculateUp "whatever" xterm

       Close  If the window accepts the delete window protocol  a
              message  is  sent to the window asking it to grace-
              fully remove itself. If the window does not  under-
              stand the delete window protocol then the window is

       CursorMove horizonal vertical
              Moves the mouse pointer by horizontal pages in  the
              X  direction and vertical pages in the Y direction.
              Either or both entries may be negative. Both  hori-
              zontal and vertical values are expressed in percent
              of pages, so "CursorMove 100  100"  means  to  move
              down  and left by one full page. "CursorMove 50 25"
              means to move left half a page and down  a  quarter
              of  a  page.  The CursorMove function should not be
              called from pop-up menus.

       Delete Sends a message to a window asking that  it  remove
              itself, frequently causing the application to exit.

       Desk arg1 arg2
              Changes to another desktop (workspace, room).

              If arg1 is non zero then the  next  desktop  number
              will be the current desktop number plus arg1. Desk-
              top numbers can be negative.

              The number of active desktops is determined dynami-
              cally. Only desktops which contain windows  or  are
              currently  being displayed are active. Desktop num-
              bers must be between 2147483647 and -2147483648 (is
              that enough?).

              Destroys  a  window.  Guaranteed  to get rid of the
              window, but is a fairly violent way to terminate an

       Exec name command
              Executes  command.  command  is not quoted but name
              is.  name is the name that appears in  a  menu,  if
              that  is where the function is called from. name is
              required even if the function is not called from  a

              The  following example binds function key F1 in the
              root window, with no modifiers, to the  exec  func-
              tion.  The  program  rxvt  will  be started with an
              assortment of options.

                   Key F1 R N Exec "rxvt" exec rxvt -fg yellow -bg blue -e /bin/tcsh &

       Focus  Moves the viewport or window as needed to make  the
              selected  window  visible.  Sets the keyboard focus
              to the  selected  window.   Raises  the  window  if
              needed  to  make it visible. Warps the pointer into
              the selected window  in  focus-follows-mouse  mode.
              Does not de-iconify. This function is primarily for
              use with a module such as  FvwmWinList.

              Used to bind a previously defined function to a key
              or mouse button.

              The  following  example  binds  mouse button 1 to a
              function called "Move-or-Raise",  whose  definition
              was  provided  as  an  example  earlier in this man
              page. After performing this binding fvwm will  exe-
              cute to move-or-raise function whenever button 1 is

                   Mouse 1 T A Function "Move-or-Raise"

       GotoPage  x y
              Moves the desktop viewport to page (x,y). The upper
              left page is (0,0), the upper right is (N,0), where
              N is one less than the current number of horizontal
              pages  specified  in  the  DeskTopSize command. The
              lower left page is (0,M), and the lower right  page
              is (N,M), where M is the desktop's vertical size as
              specified in the DeskTopSize command. The  GotoPage
              function should not be used in a pop-up menu.

       Iconify [ value ]
              Iconifies  a  window if it is not already iconified
              or de-iconifies it if it is already  iconified.  If
              the  optional  argument  value is positive the only
              iconification will  be  allowed.  It  the  optional
              argument  is negative only de-iconification will be

       Lower  Allows the user to lower a window.

       Maximize [  horizontal vertical ]
              Without its optional arguments Maximize causes  the
              window  to  alternately  switch  from a full-screen
              size to its normal size.

              With the optional arguments horizontal  and  verti-
              cal,  which  are  expressed as percentage of a full
              screen, the user can control the new  size  of  the
              window.  If  horizontal  is greater than 0 then the
              horizontal dimension of the window will be  set  to
              horizontal*screen_width/100.  The vertical resizing
              is similar.  For example, the following will add  a
              title-bar  button  to  switch  a window to the full
              vertical size of the screen:

                   Mouse 0 4 A Maximize 0 100

              The following causes windows to be stretched to the
              full width:

                   Mouse 0 4 A Maximize 100 0

              This makes a window that is half the screen size in

                   Mouse 0 4 A Maximize 50 50

              Values larger than 100 can be used with caution.

              If the letter "p" is appended  to  each  coordinate
              (horizontal   and/or  vertical),  then  the  scroll
              amount will be measured in pixels.

       Module name ModuleName
              Specifies a module which should be spawned. Modules
              can be short lived transient programs or can remain
              for the duration of the X session. Modules will  be
              terminated  by the window manager prior to restarts
              and quits, if possible.  name  is  a  double-qouted
              string  which  has  absolutely no significance, but
              must exist.

       Move [ x y ]
              Allows the user to move a window.  If  called  from
              somewhere in a window or its border, then that win-
              dow will be moved. If called from the  root  window
              then  the user will be allowed to select the target

              If the optional arguments x  and  y  are  provided,
              then  the  window  will  be moved so that its upper
              left corner is at  location (x,y). The units  of  x
              and y are percent-of-screen, unless a letter "p" is
              appended to each  coordinate,  in  which  case  the
              location is specified in pixels.


                   Mouse 1 T A Move
                   Mouse 2 T A Move 10 10
                   Mouse 3 T A Move 10p 10p

              In  the first example, an interactive move is indi-
              cated. In the second, the window whose title-bar is
              selected  will be moved so that its upper left hand
              corner is 10 percent of the screen  width  in  from
              the  left  of  the screen, and 10 percent down from
              the top. The final  example  moves  the  window  to
              coordinate (10,10) pixels.

       Nop    Does  nothing.  This is used to insert a blank line
              or separator in a menu. If the menu item specifica-
              tion  is Nop " ", then a blank line is inserted. If

       Popup  This built-in has two purposes: to bind a menu to a
              key or mouse button, and to bind a sub-menu into  a
              menu.   The  formats  for  the  two purposes differ

              To bind a previously defined pop-up menu to  a  key
              or mouse button:

                The following example binds mouse buttons 2 and 3
                to a pop-up called "Window Ops", whose definition
                was  provided  as  an example earlier in this man
                page.  The menu will pop up if the buttons 2 or 3
                are  pressed  in  the  window frame, side-bar, or
                title-bar, with no modifiers (none of shift, con-
                trol, or meta).

                     Mouse 2 FST N Popup "Window Ops"
                     Mouse 3 FST N Popup "Window Ops"

                Pop-ups  can  be bound to keys through the use of
                the key modifier. Pop-ups can be operated without
                using  the mouse by binding to keys and operating
                via the up arrow, down arrow, and enter keys.

              To bind a previously defined pop-up menu to another
              menu, for use as a sub-menu:

                The  following example defines a sub menu, "Quit-
                Verify" and binds it into  a  main  menu,  called

                     Popup "Quit-Verify"
                         Title   "Really Quit Fvwm?"
                         Quit    "Yes, Really Quit"
                         Restart "Restart Fvwm" fvwm
                         Nop     ""
                         Nop     "No, Don't Quit"

                     Popup "Utilities"
                         Title   "Utilities"
                         Exec    "Xterm"         exec xterm &
                         Exec    "Rxvt"          exec rxvt &
                         Exec    "Top"           exec rxvt -T Top -n Top -e top &
                         Exec    "Calculator"    exec xcalc &
                         Exec    "Xman"          exec xman &
                         Exec    "Xmag"          exec xmag &
                         Nop     ""
                         Popup   "Exit Fvwm"     Quit-Verify

                in which they are bound.  Sub-menu nesting can be
                arbitrarily deep.

       Quit   Exits fvwm, generally causing X to exit too.

       Raise  Allows the user to raise a window.

              Alternately raises and lowers a window.

              Causes  all  windows  on the screen to redraw them-

       Resize [ x y ]
              Allows the user to resize a window.

              If the optional arguments x  and  y  are  provided,
              then  the  window  will  be moved so that its upper
              left corner is at  location (x,y). The units  of  x
              and y are percent-of-screen, unless a letter "p" is
              appended to each  coordinate,  in  which  case  the
              location is specified in pixels.

       Restart  name WindowManagerName
              Causes  fvwm to restart itself if WindowManagerName
              is "fvwm", or to switch to an alternate window man-
              ager if WindowManagerName is other than "fvwm".  If
              the window manager is not in  your  default  search
              path,  then  you  should use the full path name for

              WindowManagerName  is not quoted but name is.  name
              is  the  name  that  appears  in a menu, if that is
              where the function is called from. name is required
              even if the function is not called from a menu.

              This  command  should not have a trailing ampersand
              or any command line arguments and should  not  make
              use  of any environmental variables. Of the follow-
              ing examples, the first three are sure losers,  but
              the third is OK:

                   Key F1 R N Restart " " fvwm &
                   Key F1 R N Restart " " $(HOME)/bin/fvwm

       Stick  Makes  a window sticky if it is not already sticky,
              or non-sticky if it is already sticky.

       Scroll horizonal vertical
              Scrolls the virtual desktop's viewport by  horizon-
              tal  pages in the x-direction and vertical pages in
              the y-direction. Either or both entries may be neg-
              ative.  Both  horizontal  and  vertical  values are
              expressed in percent of pages, so "Scroll 100  100"
              means  to  scroll  down  and left by one full page.
              "Scroll 50 25" means to scroll left half a page and
              down  a  quarter  of  a  page.  The scroll function
              should not be called from pop-up  menus.  Normally,
              scrolling stops at the  edge of the desktop.

              If the horizontal and vertical percentages are mul-
              tiplied by 1000 then scrolling will wrap around  at
              the  edge  of  the desktop. If "Scroll 100000 0" is
              executed over and over fvwm will move to  the  next
              desktop page on each execution and will wrap around
              at the edge of the desktop, so that every  page  is
              hit in turn.

              If  the  letter  "p" is appended to each coordinate
              (horizontal  and/or  vertical),  then  the   scroll
              amount will be measured in pixels.

       Title  Does  nothing.  This is used to insert a title line
              in a popup or menu.

              Temporarily disables edge scrolling. Edge scrolling
              can be re-enabled by calling this again.

       Wait name
              This  built-in is intended to be used in fvwm func-
              tions only. It causes execution of  a  function  to
              pause  until  a  new window name name appears. Fvwm
              remains fully functional during  a  wait.  This  is
              particularly  useful in the InitFunction if you are
              trying to start windows on specific desktops:

                   Function "InitFunction"
                        Exec "I"  exec xterm -geometry 80x64+0+0
                        Wait "I"  xterm
                        Wait "I"  xmh
                        Desk      "I"  0 0

              The above function starts an xterm on  the  current
              desk,  waits for it to map itself, then switches to
              desk 2 and starts an  xmh.  After  the  xmh  window
              appears control moves to desk 0.

       Warp [ name window_name ]
              Same  as  CirculateDown but de-iconifies any iconi-
              fied windows as it focuses on them.

       WindowsDesk new_desk
              Moves the selected window the the desktop specified
              as new_desk.

       WindowList arg1 arg2
              Generates  a  pop-up menu (and pops it up) in which
              the title and geometry of each of the windows  cur-
              rently  on  the desk top are shown. The geometry of
              iconified windows is shown in  brackets.  Selecting
              an item from the window list pop-up menu will cause
              that window to be moved onto the desktop if  it  is
              currently not on it, will move the desktop viewport
              to the page containing the upper left  hand  corner
              of  the window, will de-iconify the window if it is
              iconified, and will raise the window.

              If arg1 is an even number then the windows will  be
              listed  using  the window name (the name that shows
              up in the title-bar). If it is odd  then  the  win-
              dow's icon name is used.

              If  arg1  is  less  than  2 then all windows on all
              desktops (except  those  listed  in  WindowListSkip
              directives) will be shown.

              If  arg1 is 2 or 3 then only windows on the current
              desktop will be shown.

              If arg1 is 4 or 5 then only windows on desktop num-
              ber arg2 will be shown.


       All  (I  think) window manager operations can be performed
       from the keyboard so mouseless operation should be  possi-
       ble.  In  addition to scrolling around the virtual desktop
       to keys. Once a built-in function is started  the  pointer
       is  moved  by  using the up, down, left, and right arrows,
       and the action is terminated by pressing return.   Holding
       down  the  shift key will cause the pointer movement to go
       in larger steps and holding  down  the  control  key  will
       cause the cursor movement to go in smaller steps. Standard
       emacs and vi cursor movement controls (^n, ^p, ^f, ^b, and
       ^j, ^k, ^h, ^l) can be used instead of the arrow keys.


       A  sample  configuration  file, system.fvwmrc, is supplied
       with the fvwm distribution. It is well commented  and  can
       be used as a source of examples for fvwm configuration.


       If  the  -s  command line argument is not given, fvwm will
       automatically start up on every screen  on  the  specified
       display. After fvwm starts each screen is treated indepen-
       dently. Restarts of fvwm need to be  performed  separately
       on each screen. The use of EdgeScroll 0 0 is strongly rec-
       ommended for multi-screen displays.

       You may need to quit on each screen to  quit  from  the  X
       session completely.

       Multi-screen support is only available if fvwm is compiled


       As of fvwm 0.99 there  were  exactly  39.342  unidentified
       bugs.  Identified  bugs  have  mostly  been fixed, though.
       Since then 9.34 bugs have been fixed.  Assuming that there
       are  at  least  10  unidentified bugs for every identified
       one, that leaves us with 39.342 -  9.32  +  10  *  9.34  =
       123.402  unidentified bugs. If we follow this to its logi-
       cal conclusion we will have an infinite number of  uniden-
       tified  bugs before the number of bugs can start to dimin-
       ish, at which point the program will be  bug-free.   Since
       this  is  a  computer program infinity = 3.4028e+38 if you
       don't insist on double-precision. At the current  rate  of
       bug  discovery  we  should expect to achieve this point in
       3.37e+27 years. I guess I  better  plan  on  passing  this
       thing on to my children....

       Binding a key to a window decoration but not to the window
       itself is discouraged because  when  the  key-press  event
       finally  gets to the window it will be marked as SYNTHETIC


       Robert Nation with help from many  people,  based  on  twm
       code, which was written by Thomas LaStrange.

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